HR Analyst service


In addition to our core research and the Fosway Vendor Programme (FVP), we also provide private analysis and insight for leading HR, talent and learning technology vendors. This is done through our Plus+ Analyst programme.

Les distributeurs et les fournisseurs ont souvent besoin de services d’analyse privés, que Fosway fournit par le biais de son programme Plus+. Si vous êtes distributeur, cette approche vous permet de commanditer des projets de conseil personnalisés, menés de manière confidentielle, autour d’un périmètre de travail ou d’un sujet spécifique important pour le développement de votre produit ou pour votre stratégie commerciale globale et votre croissance. Il peut s’agir de l’examen de votre place sur le marché et d’une analyse de la concurrence, ou encore d’une recherche sur mesure ou d’un retour d’information sur votre feuille de route.

Fosway’s Plus+ analyst services are conducted through a variety of means to ensure an independent and encompassing view. These include one-to-one interviews, surveys, polls and our own existing market insights combined with an objective reflection of your products, markets and strategy. This leverages our unique UK and EMEA-centric insights to benefit your future development and growth.


Externally focused thought leadership

  • Speaking at user events, seminars, webinars and expert panels
  • Expert content in articles, reports, research papers, presentations, mind maps, Twitter streams and social media coverage, video/podcasts and more
  • Fosway roundtables and client sessions
  • Fosway research and distribution
  • Custom research and paper distribution

Private analyst input and internal enablement

  • Sales force enablement
  • Competitive positioning
  • Positioning/Messaging validation
  • Solution strategy/Roadmap
  • Business strategy/Options/Critique
  • Market performance feedback
  • Competitive analysis and recommendations
  • Due diligence research
  • Costs are dependent on the scale and duration of the engagement. However, they are offered at preferential rates to Enhanced Vendor Programme (EVP) members

Contact us today to discuss your custom requirements