2023-24 HR Realities Research – Shaping the Future of Work and HR

Welcome to Fosway Group’s HR Realities Research 2023-24. This annual survey, now in its 10th edition, offers comprehensive insights into the current trends, challenges, and opportunities faced by HR professionals in today’s rapidly evolving world.

The HR Realities Research has become a cornerstone resource for HR leaders and organisations seeking to understand the shifting dynamics of the workplace. By capturing the thoughts and experiences of HR professionals from a wide range of industries and enterprises, the survey illuminates the strategies, technologies, and best practices that shape the future of HR.

This year we will be releasing the results in a 5 part series of infographics. All of which are available to download now.

HR Budgets and Investment in an Economic Downturn

2023 has been a tough year for many HR teams as budgets have come under increased scrutiny. The majority – 73% – have seen some impact from economic pressures, with one in three experiencing significant economic pressure on their HR budgets for the year ahead. Only a small minority (less than 20%) have felt no impact of economic headwinds on their budgets.

HR Challenges and Priorities

The availability of skills continues to dominate HR’s business challenges That places skills availability ahead of other business challenges, including increasing organisational performance and profitability, increasing business agility, improving customer advocacy, and expanding into new markets. Read further insights in part 4 of this years research.

The HR Technology Ecosystem

Today, only 33% of HR professionals think that their HR systems are fit for the modern workforce, this infographic, the 3rd in our HR Realities series, looks at the future of HR systems and the factors that effect their impact on the modern workforce.

HR and the Employee Experience

As HR teams look to modernise and transform, the increased interest in AI, upskilling HR and analytics is all part of a connected strategy focused on enhancing organisational performance and employee engagement.

AI in HR – Today and Tomorrow

There is a very mixed picture of acceptance, balanced with  of scepticism have on HR. Our survey respondents provide an even split between those who think AI in HR is overhyped, those who believe AI will live up to ‘hyped expectations’ and those who are reserving their judgement of the impact of AI on HR. Clearly organisations are finding their way.

We are excited to launch this year’s survey and look forward to uncovering insights that help shape the HR strategies of tomorrow. We encourage HR professionals to join us in this research at a time of immense innovation and change

David Perring, Director of Research, Fosway Group

The HR Realities Corporate Research Survey has become an essential resource for HR professionals, providing a pulse on the HR landscape and guiding organisations as they navigate the future of work

David Wilson, PDG, Fosway Group


Plus de 500 professionnels de la formation de haut niveau issus d’entreprises de toute l’Europe ont été interrogés entre janvier et octobre 2022. Ils ont donné leur avis sur la manière dont l’apprentissage évolue à mesure que les organisations se rétablissent de la pandémie de COVID-19.

With 95% of respondents seeing the availability of talent as their most significant business challenge, the research shows that HR priorities have realigned to address skills shortages. This year, reskilling and upskilling, employee retention, and facilitating digital transformation have surged up HR’s strategic priority list compared to 2021.

HR says talent shortages are the most significant business challenge

In this webinar we explore some of the latest HR strategy and solution trends from our 2022 HR Realities research and reflect on what successful HR teams are doing to accelerate and transform their people experience and help organisations thrive.

Download the presentation to find out more.


You can still access our HR Realities reports from previous years too. The links below take you to reports and insights on everything HR, from employee engagement and wellbeing to analytics and HR in the Cloud:

HR Realities 2020-21
HR Realities 2019-20
HR Realities 2018-19
HR Realities 2017-18
HR Realities 2016-17