Now available: David Perring's session slides from Online Educa Berlin #OEB18 #LTG66


Our Digital Learning Realities research highlights that over 70% organisations are going through a massive shift in how they think about learning in their organisations.

Where is your organisation on its journey with digital transformation?

And are you headed in the right direction?

Our digital transformation resources are designed to help you examine what you’re doing now and where you’d like to be in the future. From hearing how Sky has transformed its digital learning to our latest research, check out the resources below or talk to us today about where you are in your journey. And hear what Fosway’s David Perring and Fiona Leteney had to say following their fully booked workshop at the Learning Technologies Summer Forum in this short video.


Our research and resources are based on input and feedback from the learning and development community worldwide. You’ve been telling us about your journey so far but what answers do you need or what additional help could our analysts provide as your ‘critical friend’? Work with us to:

  • Identify your business drivers, stakeholder and customer context and your impetus for change
  • Create a vision of what the future looks like using key customer (learner) personas
  • Deliver a strategic plan including change milestones and innovation phases
  • Quantify the value add, staged benefits and measures of success
  • Develop your business case, secure stakeholder sponsorship and acquire investment in change – consolidate your permission to act!

Speak to us today via +44 207 917 1870 or [email protected].

Fosway Ask The Analyst Digital Transformation Learning

Speak to an analyst today about your digital transformation of learning