Knowledge Centre

Welcome to the Fosway Knowledge Centre. Providing you with up to date information and viewpoints on HR and learning in Europe including news, reports, articles and opinions. Our unique Knowledge Centre has a wealth of information including thousands of filtered items of market news, and over 200 articles, white papers, and presentations from Fosway analysts.

9-GRID™  – Access the latest 9-Grid™ reports for integrated talent management, learning management, bespoke e-learning development and authoring tools here.

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RESEARCH  – Fosway’s next generation HR research practice is dedicated to the analysis and understanding of the shifts, new trends and underlying business drivers for the transformation that is happening within organisational HR.

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nos rapports pour les distributeurs – These exclusive reports provide unbiased insights into the leading HR and learning solutions available today. They are designed to help your procurement processes and strategic decision making when implementing new technologies.

MARKET NEWS  – Follow our latest updates, including reaction to HR industry news and live insights from industry events.


Fosway Group’s research is focused on key topics. To help you navigate to the information you need, you can choose from our extensive list the categories that are your priority areas of interest. These range from Analytics right through to Workplace Learning.

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Alternatively you can search on your own key words to find the research you need. This can be anything from a particular topic to a potential vendor. Simply type in what you’re looking for and the Knowledge Centre will bring up the most relevant results.

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Read all about our latest research on the blog.