European HR Realities 2016-17

HRN logoThank you for taking part in the European HR Realities survey 2016. We need to direct you to the correct survey. Please use the button below to launch the customer’s survey.

The survey should take 20 – 25 minutes to complete and if you would like to complete the survey in stages – the survey will collect each page of data when you click “Next” and allow you to return as often as you like, to pick up where you left off. All survey participants will receive priority access to the final reports, which will be unveiled live at the HR Tech World Congress in Paris on the 25th and 26th October 2016.

Now in its third year, this research continues to provide a unique data set around the realities of HR technology in Europe. It is part of our passion for bringing a European perspective to the discussion of HR and HR technology. And importantly, it focuses not just on what works, but what really makes a difference for European and international HR professionals.

By participating in our survey, European HR and IT professionals can help expose the regional subtleties of HR challenges, priorities, trends and innovations. And ground their own experience against the experience of others.

David Wilson, PDG, Fosway Group

Download the current HR Critical Realities Reports