Notre activité

Fosway vous aide à prendre plus rapidement de meilleurs décisions d’achat en matière de RH

HR Software Comparison

The Fosway 9-Grids™ are an industry leading HR software comparison tool, relied on by HR professionals in businesses across the globe. They are the best place to start when evaluating current suppliers, planning your future or looking for new tools and technology.

Start your HR transformation using the Fosway 9-Grids™ as an HR software comparison tool. But what you see on the 9-Grids™ is just the tip of the iceberg. We offer a range of analyst services that go much, much deeper into the data and market insights accumulated over 20+ years of working across HR, talent and learning.

HR software comparison starts with the Fosway 9-Grids™

There are different ways of engaging with us in order to access the best existing research and market insight – but whether you are a corporate organisation seeking support with your buying decisions, a vendor looking for strategic advice or an investor searching for the next level of information about changing HR systems, you always have the security of knowing that we are completely independent and don’t have a vested interest in the outcome, other than ensuring it’s the best decision for your organisation. and your people.

Pour les entreprises

If you’re struggling to make decisions on HR, talent or learning technology investment and priorities, are trying to deal with multiple stakeholders and conflicting agendas, or trying to navigate the vast range of vendor options without any real insight into what differentiates them…that’s where we come in. Fosway 9-Grids™ helps your business compare HR software.


Pour les distributeurs

Whether you’re an established provider of HR, talent or learning technology, or a new market entrant, the Fosway Vendor Programme provides a flexible way of benefiting from Fosway’s insights, HR market research and experience. From input into your business and product strategy to value-add content such as whitepapers and webinars, this is how to engage with us as a vendor.


Pour les investisseurs

Le rythme des investissements du marché dans les technologies des RH, de la gestion des talents et de la formation reste soutenu. Si vous êtes investisseur financier, une société de capital-investissement ou de capital-risque, le programme pour investisseurs de Fosway est le seul qui vous fasse bénéficier de nos perspectives informées et de nos analyses du marché.



Quels défis rencontrez-vous actuellement ? Avez-vous besoin de conseils sans savoir par où commencer ? Contactez-nous dès aujourd’hui. Dites-nous ce que vous voulez savoir en remplissant le formulaire de contact et un membre de l’équipe Fosway vous contactera pour en discuter.