Learning Symposium 2016

Fosway has been hosting roundtable events for over 15 years. Our annual Learning Symposium is a ringfenced diary date for many learning leaders as it offers a different experience to many other industry events. Rather than the analysts standing on stage imparting knowledge, the focus is on facilitated discussions and in-depth insights. In fact, this [...]

When do HR trends become reality?

Certain key trends in HR have gathered such momentum that they have become the mainstay of conversation at industry events worldwide. As an event that always has its finger on the pulse, HR Tech World Spring in London was no different. In fact, with its disruptHR showcase and international line-up of speakers, you could say [...]

By |2021-03-18T14:22:08+00:00mai 24th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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